Kwara Govt. Affirmed to jail child traffickers

The Kwara Government has warned that jail-term awaits people caught in child-trafficking, child or pedophiles in the state.

Dr Asiata Saka, the state Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Development, gave the warning on Saturday during the 2018 New Year party organised for orphans from various reception centers in Ilorin.
She said that the government was currently taking care of some children abused by a pedophile father as well as abandoned triplets.
She explained that the young girl that was sexually abused by her father went through depression, but currently being rehabilitated by the state government and the father arrested.
The commissioner said that three other cases of child abuse were currently being handled in various courts.
We have about 22 children in the state’s reception centres and 40 abandoned babies with the Life Empowers Anchors Hope (LEAH) Foundation belonging to Mrs Omolewa Ahmed, Kwara Governor’s wife."
Saka, who represented Mrs Ahmed at the party, also stressed the need for children to be adequately catered for and protected.
She explained that the ministry had various departments such as the orphanage, juvenile delinquent and child-trafficking departments to take care of children’s affairs in the state.

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